Posted by Isidore Goodfellow in Health & Fitness | 0 Comments
10 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Water
Adult man’s body is approximately 60% composed of water compared to 55% of adult woman’s body. Humans, animals, plants, microbes, anything that is alive, all need water to survive and thrive. This explains the reason why we are confined to this small planet Earth that has water abundantly. Other planets may have had water in the past or may just have it hidden somewhere we don’t know yet.
My point today is that you should drink water. You should be consuming around 2 liters of water on a daily basis in general. In particular, you need to feel your body based on its weight, your location, your health conditions, the type of physical activity you need to perform etc.
You use water to clean your plates, right? You can use it as well to flush out the toxins from your body or to facilitate the distribution of nutrients throughout the cells of your body.Water can hydrate your skin, giving it that younger looking appearance and that energy you always wanted.
Personally, I grew up in a place where drinking water was considered a practice of the poor. Between me and you, I can admit that water was not clean in remote villages of Africa.
However, Mother Nature has its’ own way to protect its’ children. We could also get our fluids needs from food. Experts concluded that food can provide as much as 20% of water to our body.
Becca Borawski Jenkins, a Health And Fitness coach has selected ten reasons why you should drink water in the lines below.
Becca Borawski Jenkins, 10 Life-Changing Reasons to Drink More Water
Has it occurred to you today that you are thirsty? Guess what – by the time you experience the sensation of the thirst, you are already dehydrated. That thirst is your body calling for re-hydration.
Your body is composed of roughly 60% water1. That means when we are dehydrated – and most of us spend our days constantly dehydrated to some degree – we are affecting the performance of the majority of our body. Nearly all of our systems do not function as well without the proper water intake.
So, really, what does this mean? Why should we drink more water?
- If you don’t drink water, you will die. It’s that important. Depending on our environment, we can live only a few days without water – maybe a week. We can live much longer without food. For most of us, we should prioritize the consumption of water far more than we currently do.
- Prevent cancer. Yes, that’s right – various research says staying hydrated can reduce risk of colon cancer by 45%5, bladder cancer by 50%6, and possibly reduce breast cancer risk as well.7
- Be less cranky. Research says dehydration can affect your mood and make you grumpy and confused.3 Think clearer and be happier by drinking more water.
- Perform better. Proper hydration contributes to increased athletic performance. Water composes 75% of our muscle tissue!4 Dehydration can lead to weakness, fatigue, dizziness, and electrolyte imbalance.
- Lose weight. Sometimes we think we are hungry, when actually we are thirsty. Our body just starts turning on all the alarms when we ignore it. For those of you trying to drop some pounds, staying hydrated can serve as an appetite suppressant and help with weight loss.
- Have less joint pain. Drinking water can reduce pain in your joints by keeping the cartilage soft and hydrated. This is actually how glucosamine helps reduce joint pain, by aiding in cartilage’s absorption of water.
- Flush out waste and bacteria. Our digestive system needs water to function properly. Waste is flushed out in the form of urine and sweat. If we don’t drink water, we don’t flush out waste and it collects in our body causing a myriad of problems. Also combined with fiber, water can cure constipation.
- Prevent headaches. Sometimes headaches can be caused by dehydration, so drinking water can prevent or alleviate that nasty head pain. Next time your head hurts, try drinking water.