Posted by Isidore Goodfellow in Law of Attraction | 0 Comments
How You Make a Difference in Life
Doubt is keeping us from rising higher, living the lives we always wanted and longed for. It is amazing to be aware that the same way I decide to walk in my garden I can decide to run 5 miles through the city. I can go to a bank machine and take out $20. I can ask my friend or any other person to lend me $5.00 or $1000 for the right purpose. I can conceive and establish a million dollar project. I can pick up the phone and call the office of the President to ask the right question or provide the right solution, a constructive suggestion. It’s all about self-confidence, self discipline, thought, passion, decision, belief, plan, action, determination… If you still don’t believe, please read this:
Johan V. Campbell, “How To Make A *Positive Difference* Every Single Day
Every morning you should ask yourself “What one thing could I do today that would make a positive difference in my life and the lives of those around me?” And then go out and do it. “ME” I hear you say “Me, little old me, how can I possibly make a difference. I am not important, or powerful, or rich, I am just an ordinary citizen struggling to make a living. How can I make a difference?”
Well the very first thing that you should do is to change your attitude about yourself, because until you think that you are special you won’t be. Until you can recognise the magnificent potential that is locked up in side you, strapped down by all those negative beliefs, you will not be able to release it and live to your full potential.
The great tragedy of life is that so many people go to their graves with their lives unlived. They had dreams that they ne.ver acted on. They were too busy living the sort of life that was expected of them. They were so busy trying to please other people, often at the expense of their own desires, that they had no time for their own happiness.
This you must know, there are people who love you, there are people who care about you but until you learn to love yourself, until you learn to care about yourself, until you learn to respect yourself, you will never truly appreciate the love, care and respect of others.
You have the greatest power of any living thing on this planet. You have the power of choice. You have the power to chose how to behave, what to say and when to say it. You have the power to control your attitude. You have the power to make a difference.
You have the power to choose whether your words build or break. You can choose whether your contribution is constructive or destructive. You can choose whether your influence is positive or negative.
Choose to make a difference. Choose to look for the positive in all things and if you really cannot find something positive to say or do, then rather do and say nothing. What ever you do, do not add to the negative. Choose to be a centre of certainty in an uncertain world. Choose to create a climate of hope and enthusiasm in yourself and the people around you.