Name: Kelsey Byers
BodySpace: eatclean2011
Kelsey Byers Kelsey Byers
AGE 23
175 lbs
AGE 29
135 lbs

Why I Got Started

I was very active in high school – being from a small town, I was able to play all sports and eat like a pig and still be a “string bean.” Once I got to college, my activity level decreased significantly. I also adopted some “bad habits” like drinking alcohol, staying out late, and eating really bad food!

The weight “snuck up” on me. I am a tall woman, 5-foot-10 to be exact. I graduated high school weighing 132-134 pounds. At my heaviest weight in college I weighed 174-176 pounds! I could not believe I had put on 40-45 pounds in college (in a matter of just 2 1/2 years).

That day was a HUGE reality check for me! I was not happy with my body. I actually went shopping all the time always looking for that “PERFECT” outfit to make my body look better.

I finally realized that when you have a great body, everything looks great on you! Once I was honest with myself and mapped out my goals, I started making small changes here and there.

Quite a catch – from muffin top to mermaid.

How I Did It

I started going out to eat less and committed to working out 2-3 days per week (at first). It took me five years to get rid of the weight that only took two years to put on! I am now back to my high school weight (135 pounds), only with more muscle.

The reason it took me five years is because…

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