We all have dreams, goals and ambitions. We all have things we want to accomplish and we all have somewhere we want to be in life.

4 Amazing Ways to Harness the Power of the Law of Attraction...
Are you a single Lady looking for a boyfriend?...
10 Ways to quiet your mind and improve your awareness...
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Should You be Closing Your Heart?

Love is the best gift you have ever received from the Infinite Intelligence that creates and manages the Universe. It is the best and free gift to share with everyone. When you lock it out, it is like stopping the plant from flourishing and bearing fruits. You may think that you are protecting yourself from pain and I respect your opinion. Jim Tolles is a contributor to the Spiritual blogs. Check out his arguments and draw your own conclusions Jim Tolles, Opening a Closed Heart– Following up on the blog about broken hearts, I obviously have to turn my attention to all the closed hearts in the world. It’s a funny thing that the very thing that makes everyone feel so good–love–is also the thing that many of us shut out. I had a pretty limited heart for a lot of years. Only a very small number of people came within range of my love. My heart had so many qualifications and bear traps before someone could get to me that it was nearly impossible to feel my love. I remember one day in June of 2007 when I was just starting down the spiritual path. I counted out all the people I loved, and I barely got off one hand. A part of me chimed in saying, “Well, that’s stupid.” I called up a dear friend shortly thereafter and told her that I loved her. And that’s when my heart truly began to open. Before I get too far, for those of you who are new to the blog, you are welcome to sign up for my free monthly newsletter to stay in touch with me: Sign Up for the Wake Up Call Newsletter But What If I Get Hurt Okay, on with the regularly scheduled blog post. The fear of getting hurt tends to be the crux of the problem. At least, it’s what most peoples’ minds fixate on. In closing your heart, you feel like you’ve hedged your bet against getting hurt. Well, that’s about as bad as stopping breathing. Sure, you won’t inhale any smog or pollution, but you’re suffocating. Many peoples’ hearts are suffocating, dying. It’s making people heartless and cruel. Have we seen enough cruelty in the world yet? I sure have. You may not even think of...
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Do You Need A Soulmate For Ever?

People have different views about soulmates and marriages. Some will tell you that a soulmate is someone who comes into your live to complete you and stay with you until death. Others will argue that a soulmate doesn’t complete you. A soulmate comes into your life to show you part of yourself that you have been neglecting so that you may do something about it. He /she doesn’t have to stay for ever. And if that person happens to be like you, he/she will project your image like a mirror. If you love yourself, you will love the person. If you are ashamed of yourself and guess what happens. Here is a blog prepared for you by Jim Tolles, Soulmates and Other Myths that Bind Our Love-Soulmates and Other Myths that Bind Our Love I feel guided to share some thoughts about soulmates and spiritual romantic love. I think the idea of “soulmates” has been widely misunderstood, and in general, I think the purpose of the loving partnerships that we can engage in has been wholly hijacked by the heterosexual “til-death-do-us-part” ideology that has been married, if you will, to marriage. So let me take a few moments to help create a new framework for understanding soulmates and why you don’t need to have them in your lives forever. Oh, and when you’re done here, you may want to check out these spiritual blog posts to continue your discoveries around love and spiritual romantic relationships: Developing Conscious Relationships Deepening Shared Love Connections Meeting the Undying Spark There’s no doubt about it: meeting a soulmate is an amazing jolt. It’s like getting hit with a several amp shock and somehow surviving it. Both of you may not really know what’s hit you, but you’re both incredibly attracted to each other. It’s unlike anything else you’ve experienced, and you have to get to know each other. Thus begins an intense dance–at least initially–where you run headlong into each other’s arms and each other’s issues. The undying spark of this relationship is the deep natural connection you have with this other person. If you’ve never felt so strong an emotional, spiritual, and oftentimes physical connection with someone, this is overwhelming. It usually links into the cultural idea of the person being “the one” for you. I’m peeling away the...
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How to Build Self-Confidence

I revisit my culture one more time. Let me tell you what my grand parents taught me when I was young.
Posted by Isidore Goodfellow | 0 Comments
How You Make a Difference in Life

Doubt is keeping us from rising higher, living the lives we always wanted and longed for.
Posted by Isidore Goodfellow | 0 Comments
How to Make a Difference in Your Company...

It was a Saturday evening and I had a special day off because usually, I work Saturdays.
Posted by Isidore Goodfellow | 0 Comments
Where To Start Your Investments Journey?...

When you are new to investing, you are like a new swimmer.
Posted by Isidore Goodfellow | 0 Comments
Ten Easy Money Saving Tips

If you are a home owner and are driving, you should consider bundling home and auto insurance.
Posted by Isidore Goodfellow | 2 Comments
Ten wonders of the Ancient World

Throughout history, there are a few men and women who were able to use their faculty of creative imagination during their lifetime.