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Would You Date A Frequent Traveler?

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girl-429380_640I love to travel. When I am travelling, I feel like I am attending an open roof  school, learning new skills, exploring new places and cultures. I love people. If you are like me, then you understand what I mean. You will learn more in the following article by Julia Kitlinski-Hong, 6 Reasons Why You Should Date A Frequent Traveler-Do you feel like the cons to dating a globetrotter usually seem to outweigh the pros? While it gets tough at times, there are reasons why you should date a frequent traveler. Dating a traveler means that you are signing up for an often long-distance relationship with the added obstacles of different time zones and reliable Internet accessibility to connect on Skype. Despite the difficulties that a dating a globetrotter might pose, here are a few important benefits you will experience when you date someone who has a serious case of wanderlust:

Having a significant other who travels frequently means that you will get to hear their many crazy adventure stories. Whether it is about the time that they got stranded in the middle of a rainstorm in Tokyo or tried fermented shark in Iceland, there is an endless treasure trove of tales that might inspire to travel in the future and go out of your comfort zone. Their stories might even inspire you to travel more, perhaps by their side. You want a partner that entertains you no matter what.

2. They Will Give You A New Perspective Of The World

One of the best things about dating a frequent traveler is their open mindset and their ability to share it with those close to them. There are many different values, cultures and lifestyles around the world and seeing them with an unbiased eye is crucial to understanding that your viewpoint is just one of many. Respect is key in any situation of intercultural instances. The view  of the person you are dating might change the way you see things, even in your every day life. Loving a person that challenges your perspective is valuable and rewarding.

A frequent traveler is often an expert on different cuisines and regional dishes and are more than happy to introduce their significant other to a local version. You thought you were an adventurous eater until you began dating your current flame. Nepali cuisine one weekend and Basque cuisine the next, has opened your taste buds to flavors you never knew existed. Trying different cuisines with the encouragement of your more experienced significant other has made you realize the culinary treats that you have been missing right in your own backyard.

4. They Make You Realize That Distance  Makes The Heart Go Fonder

Everyone from your grandmother to your kid sister says that distance really does make you miss a person more and you have come to realize this firsthand. Every time that your significant other goes away you are counting down the days until their return. One of the advantages of not always being together is that you can balance time for yourself and time for your relationship easier. You cherish the time that you have together, because you know you will not always be physically together. A relationship is strengthened when there are times of being alone balanced with time together.

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